Beach Veterinary Hospital's Dog of the Month, September 2019: Kardi

Dog of the Month, September 2019: Kardi

Beach Veterinary Hospital's Dog of the Month, September 2019: Kardi

Sweet Kardi, how could anyone resist those puppy dog eyes?

We are happy to share our new website’s first-ever Dog of the Month. Say hello to sweet little Kardi, representing September!

This beautiful little Pit Bull met her forever family when she was just two months old. Now, at a little over a year old, Kardi has become an integral part of her active families’ lives.

“Our son is a big fan of Cardi B.” said Kardi’s owner, Lesette. “So it actually worked out quite perfectly that we christened the latest addition to our family as Kardi. Here is to hoping she can grow up with that same confidence and sass.”

Kardi is your typical, loveable Pit Bull. She loves being on the move, but also enjoys plenty of downtime for belly rubs. She will play a little fetch, but is still working on the “returns,” especially if it is a stick, which gets chomped to bits so very quickly.

Beach Veterinary Hospital's Dog of the Month, September 2019: Kardi

“I hope those scary falling leaves can’t find me here!” Kardi says.

“Kardi is still quite young and is known to be frightened by most things,” Lesette continued, “especially wheels and leaves blowing in the wind, which I find funny. I keep telling her that she can’t be afraid of those things, but she is convinced that one day she will conquer her fears and catch a bird out of the sky.”

All in all, Kardi is quite loving and truly the gentlest soul with the rest of the kids in her life. She never finds their constant attention annoying, and she welcomes all the games they create that include her. Now, Kardi just needs to take that positive attitude and apply it to her much-needed “good dog” training.

Beach Veterinary Hospital's Dog of the Month, September 2019: Kardi

Kardi is one cool cat, er, dog.

“Our beautiful little Kardi is such a good girl, but really needs to spend a little bit more time with a trainer,” Lesette said. “In fact, any advice is appreciated, ha, ha.”

At Beach Veterinary Hospital, we are so glad Kardi is thriving well and has an extended family that adores her. Here is to a long, quality life for playful Kardi!


About Our Dog of the Month Program

Here’s how our Dog of the Month program works: Each staff member provides a nomination for the distinguished honor, and then we vote. The highest vote wins!


Established in 1967, Beach Veterinary Hospital offers quality, affordable veterinary care for cats and dogs in south Seattle and the Rainier Valley.